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Dong Knows Tech Giveaway [Contest Ended]: D-Link DIR-X5460

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Final update (October 31): Jeremy has received the router and left a message below, together with a photo of the prize.

Thank you very much for the router and all your postings. I am very excited that I finally won one of your contests. This router will be used in a family member’s home and they are very happy to finally move to Wi-Fi 6.

Jaremy Dkt winner
Jaremy’s new Wi-Fi 6 router.

Congrats again, Jaremy. Enjoy Wi-Fi 6!

This concludes the contest. Check back on this link for the previous and upcoming ones.

Update 4 (October 28, at 9:AM PDT): A brand-new D-Link DIR-X5460 has been shipped to Jaremy. We’ll need to wait for his feedback.

The comment section is now re-opened—the official count for the contest is 71.

Update 3 (October 27, at 5:30 PM PDT): Looks like we have a NEW winner.

And it happened again. Like the second contest, our first winner—JT—has decided to decline the prize and pass it on to the runner-up. Here’s his message in verbatim:


Wow! I can’t believe it. Sixty-nine plus three(some) for the win! Haha! I still can’t believe it!

Seriously, I’m so happy. Thanks so much. This really made my day!

But I don’t need this router. I recently got the Asus AXE16000 per your review and it’s a beast! I made a guess just for fun. So to honor the honerable spirit of Dong Knows Tech, I’d like to pass it to Jeremy. Send him my best wishes.

Thank you! Again, big fan.


What a twist! And that was very, well, honorable of you, JT. Thanks for playing!

You’re the new winner, Jaremy! Congratulations!

Please contact us within 24 hours via the Contact page:

  • Use the same email address that you used for the contest
  • Specify you’re not a spammer
  • Use the “Giveaway contest” as the subject
  • State that you agree with the Official Rules
  • Provide your shipping address and phone number (required for the shipping)

Once verified, a brand-new D-Link DIR-X5460 will be shipped your way.

If we don’t hear from you by 5:30 PM October 28, 2022, a new winner will be selected.

Update 2 (October 27, at 3:30 PM PDT): Looks like we have a winner.

Here are the stats:

  • Total comment count: 71
  • Number of correct guesses: None
  • The closest guess and wins: 72
  • The unverified winner: JT
  • The runner-up: Jaremy (73)

Congratulation JT! (and thanks for the kind words). Please contact us within 24 hours via the Contact page. Please note:

  • Use the same email address that you used for the contest
  • Specify you’re not a spammer
  • Use the “Giveaway contest” as the subject
  • State that you agree with the Official Rules
  • Provide your shipping address and phone number (required for the shipping)

Once verified a brand-new D-Link DIR-X5460 will be shipped your way.

If we don’t hear from you by 4 PM October 28, 2022, a new winner will be selected.

Thanks, everyone for participating! Please stay tuned for further updates.

Update 1 (October 27, at 3 PM PDT): The contest has ended. The comment section is now temporarily closed. Please check back soon for the result.

You’re in for a chance to win this D-Link DIR-X5460 giveaway. This router is D-Link’s high-end Wi-Fi 6 machine.

Like in previous contests, the winner will get a BRAND-NEW unit if the router is available (likely) by the contest’s end. If not, they’ll get something equivalent.

D-Link DIR-X5460 giveaway: This router is excellent for a small home.
D-Link DIR-X5460 giveaway: This router is excellent for a small home.

D-Link DIR-X5460 giveaway: The Details

I reviewed the D-Link DIR-X5460 in early 2021. At the time, it proved to be reliable, with some oddities in the firmware. Since then, there have been updates, and the router is now better than it used to be.

That said, this router will fit in well if you live in a relatively small home with sub-Gigabit Internet. Or you can use it as an access point to extend the coverage in a sizeable wired home.

You can buy it now on Amazon for $130 or enter for a chance to get it from Dong Knows Tech here for free. Just like that, no fine print, no shenanigans—other than some friendly terms stated in the Official Rules at the bottom of the page.

D-Link DIR-X5460 giveaway: How to enter the contest

Important: Please read this part and the rest of this page carefully!

To enter the contest for the chance to win, you must be a subscriber to Dong Knows Tech’s new post notification. That’s also how you keep yourself updated on the contest’s progress.

We hope you subscribe mainly because you want to stay in the loop.

Leave a contest entry, which must be a new comment — not a reply to an existing comment—that meets the following criteria:

  1. The comment must start with a number, which is your best guess for the total number of all published comments on this page by the end of the contest.
  2. You must use a valid email address that has never been unsubscribed before1 and follow the comment rules. (Hint: Be nice!)
  3. If you’re not yet a subscriber, check the box that reads “Notify me of new posts by email.” to subscribe2. (Feel free to check the other two boxes, but that’s not required, and they are separate subscriptions that are not qualified for this contest.)

(1) If you have unsubscribed, you must use a new email address. The previously unsubscribed address might no longer work.

(2) You will receive a confirmation email and need to confirm the subscription via a link.

The screenshot below shows an example of how to add a valid entry. Feel free to help yourself to some creativity with the optional text. Or not.

Dong Knows tech comment form
Here’s an example of a valid entry for this giveaway contest. Note the email notification subscription option—you only need to subscribe once. If you’re already a subscriber, it doesn’t hurt to check that box again though that’s not necessary. If you have unsubscribed, you need to use a new email address. If you want to make sure, here’s the link to subscribe.

Please note:

  • Each person can leave up to five guesses by replying to their initial entry as a thread. In that case, your latest guess, per the time stamp, will be your official guess—all previous ones will be ignored.
    • If you leave more than 5 guesses in a thread, the 6th and later will be ignored—they are just regular comments (Hint: Don’t do it!)
    • If you create multiple threads—separate comments as contest entries—your earliest will be your official guess. (Don’t do it!)
  • All comments that don’t violate the comment rules will be published immediately or after a brief hold for moderation and counted toward the total number. They include general questions/commentaries, replies, those that don’t start with a number and disqualified contest entries.
  • At least 24 hours before the contest ends, all new contest-entry comments (new guesses) will be held until the end of the contest to be published simultaneously. That’s to ensure everyone is on the same level playing field. (If you wait till this phase, you generally can only leave a single guess.)
  • Everyone is free to leave as many normal non-contest-entry comments as they’d like or reply to existing comments.

Check out the previous contest to see how the process pans out.

Important: Contest duration and winning criteria

This D-Link DIR-X5460 giveaway contest will last until 3 PM (Pacific time) Thursday, October 27, 2022.

At that time, the comment section will be temporarily closed. The winner will be determined by:

  1. Having made the correct or the closest guess of the total published comments. And
  2. Their email address is active with the specific subscription3.
  3. In a draw, the earliest entry wins.

(3) If you receive notifications of a new post or have replied to confirm with the opt-in email, your email address is active. If you don’t, you need to re-enter the contest with a different email address. The current one might have been blocked for one reason or another (such as when you have unsubscribed before.)

The winner’s winning entry will be highlighted. They will be notified (together with everybody else) via the email subscription and have 24 hours to respond via the Contact page. A runner-up will be selected if there’s no appropriate and timely response.

The final winner will have the option to show a personal message in this post, with or without a photo (of themselves and/or the item.) Or they can choose to remain anonymous.

Make sure you read and agree with the terms below before participating. (They won’t bite.)

Important: Rules, disclaimers, and shipping

Official Rules

We play by the honor system here:

  • One entry per person—don’t use multiple emails!
  • Participate only if you intend to use, or gift the item, and not to sell it. This is not about monetary gain.
  • This giveaway is available only to those living in the United States—the intended locale of the hardware.


This giveaway transaction, if taken place, doesn’t make Dong Knows Tech the seller nor the winner the buyer. Dong Knows Tech takes no responsibility for the functionality, quality, or physical condition of the item it gives you.


  • You understand that you’re getting a giveaway that’s intended to carry no monetary value, even when brand-new. You’re doing this purposely for fun and practical reasons, and not for financial gain.
  • There’s no guarantee that the item will work according to your expectations.
  • You might or might not be able to register it with the vendor for support or warranty.
  • Dong Knows Tech will not provide tech support or warranty. The only thing you can expect to get from this website and its owner if you win the contest is the item itself, and nothing else.
  • There’s no return.


The items will be delivered to a valid residential address within the lower 48 states in the US of the winner’s choosing via standard shipping. No insurance will be included in the shipping. Dong Knows Tech is not responsible if the item is damaged or lost during transit and will not ship a replacement.

If you want faster or better shipping or the item to be shipped to a territory outside of the US’s contiguous states (Hawaii, Alaska, etc.,) you’ll need to pay for the shipping cost, which will be provided to you together with the method of payment.

No non-residential address or P.O. box is accepted. Failing to provide a US residential address in a timely manner will disqualify a winning contestant.

By participating, you explicitly agree with the rules and disclaimers mentioned here. You understand that your chance of winning is low, and you don’t receive anything when you’re not the winner. At any time you want to change your mind, please contact Dong Knows Tech to have your entry permanently removed. You can also decline to receive the item if you’re the winner.

Good luck, everyone! And thank you for participating!

Share what you just read!

Comments are subject to approval, redaction, or removal. You're in the no-nonsense zone and that applies BOTH ways.

It's generally faster to get answers via site/page search. Your question/comment is one of many Dong Knows Tech receives daily.  

  1. Strictly no bigotry, falsehood, profanity, trolling, violence, or spamming, including unsolicited bashing/praising/plugging a product, a brand, a piece of content, a webpage, or a person (•).
  2. You're presumed and expected to have read this page in its entirety, including related posts and links in previous comments - questions already addressed will likely be ignored.
  3. Be reasonable, attentive, and respectful! (No typo-laden, broken-thought, or cryptic comments, please!)

Thank you!

(•) If you have subscription-related issues or represent a company/product mentioned here, please use the contact page or a PR channel.

71 thoughts on “Dong Knows Tech Giveaway [Contest Ended]: D-Link DIR-X5460”

  1. been looking at this d-link for ages i think it’s one my favorites it sounds like can handle most things you can throw at it

  2. 147

    Always enjoy a good breakdown on routers and your detailed reviews are much appreciated and well put together!

  3. 72 comments. That’s 69 + 3, my two lucky numbers. Don’t think I’m gonna win but I have to put them out there! Haha!
    Big fan of your work, Dong. Thanks for all the hard work and your integrity. I stumbled into your About page a while back — what a story! — and have been an avid reader since. Learned a lot and noted that you’ve always kept your word… it’s amazing and rare in this world nowadays.

  4. 256
    Because it’s a pure multiple of 2 and I have confidence there’ll be more than 128 :).
    New to the site, but loving all the info and informative posts. Thanks!

  5. Setting up reliable WiFi is trickier than putting together a PC both in terms of harware and software. It’s easy to spend a decent chunk of change and dedicate many hours to learning about networking only to find yourself still lacking basic signal stability and for something to go wrong.
    Networking hardware can look great but even pricy routers can turn out to be terrible. That’s why Dong’s objective and in-depth reviews are so important.

  6. 191
    Thank you for your review, Dong. This router would be perfect for my two-story home. I like the price too. I hope I win the contest but if not, I’ll probably hit the “buy” button on Amazon 🙂

  7. 201

    Just recently gave your site a shoutout on a HomeKit Facebook page. Someone responded as follows: “Dong made his own website?!?!. That guy is a CNET Youtube LEGEND! I can’t wait to check it out in-depth”

    • You found that one particular person who still remembers my time at CNET! Thanks for speeding the word, Brad, and good luck! 🙂

  8. 109

    Great site with so much information. And a chance to win something too.
    I am in search of a new router as mine has started misbehaving so I am happy to find this place.
    Thank you and keep up the great work.

  9. 237 Comments

    I have to say I wish I would have read your router reviews before my most recent purchase. I am not going to say which router as I am not one to bash anyone publicly. However, after I started to find the short-coming of the router and when I started googling to confirm my findings. My search lead me to your site where I found your review to described my experienced exactly.

    • The reason is you’re you and I’m me. How you see things has no impact on the site. If it were for you, there’d be no giveaway. 🙂

  10. 190 comments

    Thank you Dong for the review, D-link isn’t the same D-link as ten years ago, anyway seems to be a good router!

      • Dong, I’m a little bit OT, but can you add in your reviews the real power consumption of the devices? Will be great a “quite” and “peak/big usage” measures.
        I know, in the US the electric power isn’t an issue, but u know, the world going crazy and in the EU we’re a little bit frustrated by power consumption in the last year! I spent more then double in this period compared to the last year and devices like router, switch and others H24 active contribute to consume KWh during the year. Thank you!

        • I started doing that earlier this year with newer devices as you can see in the hardware specs table. It’s cost- and time-prohibitive to go back and retest all those in the old reviews, but when possible, I’ll add that.

  11. # the winner will get a BRAND-NEW unit if the router is available (likely) by the contest’s end. If not, they’ll get something equivalent.#

    why u don’t allow the winner to choose some router of similar price instead of giving the D-Link DIR-X5460?

    • Because this is intended to be the D-Link DIR-X5460 giveaway. Just because something is intended doesn’t mean it can necessarily happen as planned, and sometimes we need a contingency.

      By the way, this content is not about financial gain as stated in the Official Rules.

  12. 132
    I like your reviews because they are objective even when looks like you prefer ASUS over any other brand. D-Link is a brand that I have not use in more than 10 years. Keep on with the reviews.

  13. I like your reviews because they are objective even when looks like you prefer ASUS over any other brand. D-Link is a brand that I have not use in more than 10 years. Keep on with the reviews.


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