Netgear WAX214 Review: A Frill-free and Modest Wi-Fi 6 PoE Access Point
The Netgear WAX214 AX1800 Wi-Fi 6 Access Point (WAP) was available simultaneously with the oddball WAX204, but I decided not …
Windows 11: Possibly the Coolest, Albeit a Bit Controversial, Windows Release
On June 24, 2021, Microsoft announced its latest Windows 11 via a special streaming event that contained no surprises. That’s …
Netgear Has a Long List of Deep Discounts this Amazon Prime Day 2021
Looking for deals in Netgear networking gear? Here’s some good news. The networking vendor just gave me a long list …
Zyxel XGS1250-12 Multi-Gigabit Switch Review: A Solid Gateway to 10Gbps
If you truly want to enjoy Gigabit Internet (or faster broadband), upgrading your local wired network to Multi-Gig is a …
TP-Link Archer AX73 Review (vs. Archer AX50): A Medium Home’s Wi-Fi 6 Choice
TP-Link seems to try to fill in all the slots of Wi-Fi 6, case in point, the TP-Link Archer AX73. …
QNAP QHora-301W Review: Ultra-Reliable but (Still) Sorely Lacking
The QHora-301W Dual 10G wifi 6 AX3600 SD-WAN router—the very first Wi-Fi broadcaster from QNAP, a known NAS server maker—is …
Opt-out of Amazon Sidewalk Before It’s Too Late. Don’t Wait!
If you haven’t heard of it, Amazon Sidewalk is a nice-sounding concept that you likely don’t want to be a …
Router Management: Web Interface vs. App and Popular Vendors’ Sad New Trend
If you followed my reviews on the latest Linksys Wi-Fi 6/E routers—including the MX5 Velop AX, the MR9600, the MR7500, …
WD Unveils SanDisk Professional Brand with a Slew of New and Exciting Storage Devices for Professionals and Gamers
If you use hard drives or generally computer storage, you must have heard of Western Digital. You might not have …
Select Netgear Routers and Mesh Systems Get Smart Parental Controls
Parenting is rough, and if you’re looking for an easy way to make you feel like you’re good at it, …
How to Give Windows an In-place NVMe SSD Upgrade
Not all solid-state drives (SSDs) are created equal. Specifically, an NVMe SSD upgrade can deliver much faster performance on a …
Linksys Atlas Max 6E (AXE8400) Mesh Review: Reliable but Overpriced
You would definitely love to be blown away by this first-of-its-kind Linksys Atlas Max 6E (AXE8400) mesh Wi-Fi system, which includes …
MTU and Jumbo Frame Explained: When You Need to Fiddle with Them and How
Generally, you don’t need to worry about MTU and Jumbo Frame. In a network, these are taking place behind the …
Intel AX210 Wi-Fi 6E Windows 10 Driver Installation Guide: Unlock the 6GHz Band!
This post will work you through getting your Intel AX210 or AX211 Wi-Fi 6E module to work fully on a …